Everyone starts out their lives learning.

We learn to walk and talk when we are toddlers. Then we go to school and learn reading, writing and math.  When we become teenagers we begin to learn about relationships.  By our early 20’s our brains are filled with marriage, careers and raising children. 

All of these ever-changing activities require us to exercise our brains and therefore expand our brain power.  Each new challenge we face creates new pathways, and these new pathways help to grow our ability to do things and increase our memory capacity.

Once we reach our 50’s and 60’s, we start to rely more and more on routines. While these routines are helpful in managing a busy lifestyle, they are something we do automatically, without thinking.  As a direct result of these routines, our brain capacity starts to reduce which ultimately leads to a declining memory.


It is important not to rely on routines. Start finding ways to challenge your brains such as:

  •  Using your non-dominate hand to do things such as writing your name or brushing your teeth.
  • Read out loud every day. When we read to ourselves we don’t read every word, nor do we pronounce each word correctly – reading out loud helps you pronounce each word.
  • Take a different route when driving.  How many times to do you drive to the store and never think about how to get there?
  • Find things you have never tried before or that you are not good at doing such as crossword puzzles, trivia games, etc.

You are in control of your brain, don’t let that power disappear!

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