Ease insomnia, and decrease signs of depression, anxiety, and agitation by using therapeutic music.
Senior Helpers University is continually looking for additional resources and materials to enhance the quality of life for our clients. We believe that providing a variety of activities to seniors can have many physical, cognitive and social benefits. Adding resources and activities for our caregivers can create a long lasting bond between caregiver and client.
One of our newest resources is the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA). This association represents over 5000 music therapists nationwide. Music Therapists are trained to use music strategies both instrumental and vocal. These strategies are designed to facilitate positive changes in adults and children. In older adults, some of these changes can be decreased symptoms of depression, anxiety, insomnia and agitation.
There is a great deal of research about how music can be therapeutic to older adults. According to the AMTA, music can provide memory recall which contributes to reminiscence and satisfaction with life. Music can also provide positive changes in mood and emotional state. It can reduce anxiety and stress for older adults as well as caregivers, while increasing social interaction with caregivers and families.
For the elderly who have memory impairment, caregivers have observed for decades that Alzheimer’s patients can still remember and sing songs long after they have stopped recognizing names and faces.
Dr. Concetta Tomanio, Executive Director of the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function, believes that by engaging the very basic mechanisms of emotions and listening, music is stimulating dormant areas of the brain that haven’t been accessible due to degenerative disease.
Dr. Alicia Clair, professor and division director of music education and therapy at the University of Kansas, is the author of, “Therapeutic Uses of Music with Older Adults”. She believes in the many benefits of music therapy for older adults which can be used to enhance their quality of life.
To learn more about ATMA, please call 301-589-3300. You may also visit their website at www.musictherapy.org.

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